Faith Alive- Four weekends a year, each one covering one of the promises that youth make as they affirm their baptism:
To LIVE among God’s faithful people
To HEAR the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper
To PROCLAIM the good news of Christ in word and deed
To SERVE all people following the example of Jesus
To STRIVE for justice and peace in all the earth.
Experiential learning provides meaningful and relevant lessons while friendships are built through shared cabins and caring counselors. Creative worship, crafts, songs, games, and a campfire create an unforgettable summer camp-like experience. This is a perfect retreat for confirmation groups or churches without enough middle school aged youth to do their own retreat. Come join in the fun and faith!
Campers are housed with Lutheridge counselors who provide the same fun and faith forming experiences you have come to expect during the summer.