Give creativity a larger space in your life.
Create in Me is a spiritual retreat connecting art and faith. Over the weekend, we make space for God’s creativity to flow in and through each participant. Learn from artists excited to share their skills, be inspired by the Spirit, and experience holy creativity in community. Let God create in YOU!
2025 Theme: A Renewed Spirit for Troubled Times
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10
In times of trouble, each scar and loss leaves its mark on our spirit. To explore your spirit’s recipe for hope, healing and renewal, come create with God’s community at Lutheridge this spring! This year’s retreat will be led by award-winning author and theologian Dr. Jacqueline Bussie, who can’t wait to create alongside you!
Create in Me Packet & Sample Schedule
Dr. Jacqueline Bussie
Dr. Jacqueline Bussie is an award-winning author, professor, public theologian, and student of life in all its messy beauty, as well as a much sought after speaker and workshop facilitator. Her first book, The Laughter of the Oppressed won the national Trinity Prize. Her 2ndbook, Outlaw Christian: Finding Authentic Faith by Breaking the Rules won the 2017 Gold Medal Illumination Award for Christian Living and received a coveted starred review from Publishers Weekly. Her 3rd and latest book, Love Without Limits: Jesus’ Radical Vision for a Love with No Exceptions won the Reader’s Favorite Bronze Medal International Book Award for Christian Living, the 2020 IAN Outstanding Religion Book of the Year Award, and 3rdPlace IAN Non-Fiction Book of the Year Award. Also, Publisher’s Weekly named Love Without Limits “a must-read for all Christians interested in inclusivity for their communities.”
An active servant-leader in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Jacqueline spent the last twenty years teaching religion to undergraduates at ELCA colleges and serving as the founding Director of the Forum on Faith and Life at Concordia College. Today, Jacqueline is a full-time author and public speaker. Jacqueline’s favorite things to do are dance, walk on the beach, read good books, ride in the front car of roller coasters, spend time with friends, and travel to any place she’s never been before. Every day she is amazed and grateful that gets to: 1) write and tell her story; 2) empower other people to write and tell theirs; and 3) accompany marvelous people like you on your journey of faith, hope, and healing.”